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Sheree Stewart

"My brush and my pallet saved me"

The first 20 years of Sheree’s career was devoted to building a career in Banking and raising her children, and devoting an abundance of time to her family. However she always found time for creativity, because it is her soul and heart. A fire that has never extinguished throughout her life.


Art Club in high school, ceramics in her 20’s and 30’s and folk art in her 40’s. She could always be found in some tiny room creating or sitting  behind a table at craft fairs and quite often was the person organizing it. Workshops, community college courses, drop- ins continues to this day.

In 2002 at the age of 43 Sheree lost her husband to cancer and she picked up a brush and she has never looked back. “ It was the most difficult time of my life, I was lost, depressed, drinking, and close to suicide….but my brush, my pallet saved me….and continues to be my refuge.”


Sheree worked in Watercolor for 20 years and has sold her work in many countries on the globe, particularly during a few years when sailing became another refuge. Her work was sold in the BVI’s, the Azores, Portugal, Mexico, and of course her many homes in Ontario and BC. She incorporates her love of the outdoors and nature in many forms of her work and her famous sunset and sunrise creations are her particular flair. In 2022 Sheree took an in- depth course online by the famous creator Nicholas Wilton and has been working in Abstract Acrylics, her new love. Energy, colour, landscapes, weather, beaches, are all studies that transform into her passionate creations  with her brush. Her Studio on Vancouver Island is the catalyst to preparing an exhibition or private commissions.

"Sheree's free spirited nature and love for life comes through in her artwork. As long as I've known Sheree, her brushwork has been bold and expressive and she has never shied away from making bold colourful statements!" 

- Zoë Evamy


© 2023 by Sheree Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Website by WebWWorks

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